Fort Knox’s Golden Story

Located in the small town of Fort Knox, Kentucky, lies a mysterious and historic site. This is a place that has been used as a military base by many nations and as a location for many events. The site holds a lot of secrets and is also a place where gold was discovered.

Gold reserves

During the Great Depression, Americans began trading in physical gold for paper money. By the time World War II ended, the U.S. Federal Bank was unable to meet the public’s demand for liquid assets. So, President Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order establishing federal gold reserves at Fort Knox.

The first shipment to the depository was made in the first half of 1937. It was followed by a second shipment in 1941. This shipment required a convoy of 33 15-ton trailers.

By the time World War II ended, the United States had 20,000 tonnes of gold. Then, in 1971, the dollar was taken off the gold standard leading to the unknown for gold investment companies. This led to a massive stock market crash and the Great Depression. The Federal Reserve had the ability to swap gold with other countries without the knowledge of Congress.

Some conspiracy theorists say that the government has secretly sold off the gold in Fort Knox. Others believe that the gold bars at Fort Knox are tungsten bricks painted to look like gold.

Magna Carta

During World War II, Magna Carta was placed in the vault at Fort Knox in Kentucky. This was in conjunction with the original Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The documents were kept in a protective container, sealed with lead, and under lock and key.

Fort Knox is also famous for the largest gold hoard in the world. It holds 147.3 million ounces of gold. This amounts to almost $300 billion in U.S. dollars.

In addition to gold, Fort Knox also holds other important historical artifacts. These include the original United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The depository vault also holds twelve gold Sacagawea dollar coins and the Gutenberg Bible.

Magna Carta is an important document in the history of English law. It was signed by King John in 1215. It is an important document that laid the foundation for many legal rights we enjoy today. Magna Carta was reissued several times in the 13th century.

Biological weapons

During the Cold War, the US military conducted a plethora of tests of its bioweapons. The most high-profile of these was the Operation Big Itch. The most important function of this nefarious operation was to test the feasibility of deploying infected insects in munitions. This is just one of many examples of the US military experimenting with the ailment, and claiming it for their own.

The US military may not be the most well-informed institution in the nation, but it does have a history of baffling a curious public. A new book, The Secret: The Untold History of Biological Weapons in the United States, offers a revealing window into a clandestine world of pranks, spies, and covert operations. It also sheds light on the lesser-known military’s bioweapons and munitions, including the eponymous Operation Big Itch. Despite the shady nature of its storied history, the book is worth reading. It contains an extensive bibliography, including a list of the top notch bioweapons experts and a full-sized model of the facility.


During the late 19th century, opium use became a medical concern. Medical professionals warned against morphine poisoning. The term “morphinomaniac” was used to describe the habit of eating opium. Medical professionals recommended hydropathy to addicts for four to five weeks after they had stopped using morphine.

During the Cold War, tons of morphine sulfate were stored at Fort Knox. The United States Depository held stockpiles of opium and gold. The United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were stored in the depository vault.

Morphine is a potent antitussive drug. It is used to relieve pain associated with cancer and lung cancer. It is also used for the treatment of respiratory depression. It is a member of the opioid receptor family, which is a G protein-coupled receptor group. It interacts with the receptors predominantly in the m opioid receptor subtype.

Morphine receptors are located in the central nervous system. The receptors can be divided into m, k, and d subtypes. They regulate gastrointestinal secretion, respiratory depression, and pain sensation. The m opioid receptors are responsible for the rewarding effect of morphine.